Mar Guerrero

Pro Bono Legal Assistant

Mariana Guerrero, proudly from Mexico, is currently embarking on the final year of her academic journey. Since her first steps into university life, Mariana's fascination with immigration law has been palpable. Through her involvement in various university projects and initiatives, she has delved deep into the intricacies of this legal domain, passionately exploring its nuances and complexities.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a genuine empathy for those facing the daunting prospect of leaving their homeland, Mariana is particularly drawn to the human aspect of immigration law. She sees each migrant as a unique individual with their own story, struggles, and aspirations, and she is deeply committed to advocating for their rights and ensuring their voices are heard. Mariana believes in the power of empathy and understanding to bridge cultural divides and foster compassion and solidarity across borders.

Mariana's proactive nature and hunger for knowledge have been evident throughout her academic journey. She is not content to simply absorb information passively; rather, she actively seeks out opportunities to expand her understanding and engage with diverse perspectives. Whether through participating in various Model of United Nations, competing in international Law Moot Court competitions, or collaborating on research projects, Mariana consistently demonstrates her proactive approach and her eagerness to learn and grow.

Her experiences working in notaries and legal firms have provided Mariana with invaluable insights into the practical application of law and the real-world challenges faced by both legal professionals and their clients. These experiences have further fueled her passion for immigration law and strengthened her resolve to make a meaningful difference in the lives of migrants.

As Mariana prepares for her exchange program, she is filled with excitement and anticipation for the new experiences and opportunities that lie ahead. She views this as an invaluable opportunity to deepen her understanding of immigration law and related fields, fostering personal and professional growth. With her proactive mindset, insatiable thirst for knowledge, and unwavering passion for immigration law, Mariana is poised to make a lasting impact in the legal profession and beyond.