Ana Laura Moreno


Ana Laura is a passionate individual born and raised in Mérida, Yucatán, México. She is characterized by her tenacious, resilient and proactive nature.

She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán and has complemented her education through academic exchanges in the University of Santo Tomás in Colombia and the University of Angers in France.

Ana Laura is fluent in Spanish, English and French as she loves learning new languages. She is currently studying Chinese.

In addition to her broad academic preparation, she has excelled in public speaking competitions, Intenrational Law Moot Courts and Model United Nations (Model UN). She has also been a speaker in a wide variety of forums raising awareness on global issues being climate change the one she is the most passionate about. Today, she works for Fundación Azteca as a Model UN coach for middle school and high school students.

Throughout college, her professional experience has been focused in Mexican Immigration Law. Then, she decided to take a course in U.S. Immigration Law to pursue a career as a legal assistant in SJC.

Ana Laura is constantly working towards building her career in International Law and her dream of contributing to the resolution of global challenges through languages and diplomacy.

Her experiences have allowed her to interact with people from all around the world and have provided her with knowledge and abilities that she would like to put at service of the international community and those who need it the most.